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I really liked the effects of the characters flying in!

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Holy Crab, you can type at 111 WPM with 99% accuracy?! That’s 555 Chars per Minute or 9 Chars per Second or 9.25 Hz :-o

That’s inhuman, I bow to your mad typing skills!

There’s only one rank above Ultra Fast, I didn’t expect anyone to come even close to 120 WPM, this is very interesting - thanks for sharing!

Not sure I can go any faster than this while maintaining decent accuracy. I thought 120 would unlock the next rank but I guess not. :P

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Lol you broke it, the Cursist is duplicated for some reason and Perfectionist shoulnd’t even be there… nice :D

You might have hit the rounding threshold of 119.5-119.99999 WPM or my code sucks for the >= 120 WPM edge case… (The rank was supposed to be “insane”)

Either way, MAD speed!