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so in French class today we were talking about modes of transport and there were pictures on the worksheet we were given, we were supposed to label each mode of transport (in French ofc) and one of them was a Metro. Now if you don't know what a Metro is, it's basically like a subway. Anyway my friend asked her and I swear to you she labelled the train as a metro and the metro as a train... I'm srry what. I've been to Paris, in Paris, if you want to go LITERALLY ANYWHERE, you take the metro, I've been on that thing enough times to know what it looks like and it did NOT look like that. I'm sorry, miss, have YOU been to France? You ever taken the metro there? DIDN'T THINK SO, I THINK I'D KNOW WHAT A METRO LOOKS LIKE! JUST TO BE SURE I EVEN SEARCHED UP IMAGES AND GUESS WHAT I WAS RIGHT IT IS A GODDAMN METRO NOT A TRAIN AND MY TEACHER NEEDS TO SHUT UP AND ADMIT SHE'S WRONG


it's all about the he says she says bullshit


no bc she's actually genuinely wrong but she's all like "no I'm the teacher I can't be wrong" not in those words specifically but that's basically what she said