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I was astonished by the depth of this game. By the time I got to a certain planet it just kept going and going with different options and I wanted to continue learning more about it. 

I created this world: Heat - 2, Death - 2, Probability -3, Water -3. From there however, I was only able to explore 1311, 3131, and 3333. I think that the naming of these different worlds is an issue because it was unclear to me what exactly I was clicking on until I got to planets that had actual links. I'm also unclear as to why there are so many numbers that don't have any links in them. 

For the most part, I explored the candy planet the most and this is where I was the most enthralled. Again, the depth you've incorporated into this section is amazing, and I truly felt like one misstep could set me down the wrong path. Therefore, it is risky to make any choice without thinking about its consequences.

I will say that at the very beginning of the game, it was unclear to me what I was supposed to do or what my aim was having not read the introduction beforehand. I also found this to be a problem going forward, since I understand the simulation aspect of the game (an interesting feature that made me not want to fail the system), however, I wish this area was explored more, and I didn't  understand what I, as a God, was ultimately trying to achieve.

As far as technical notes go, there were a couple paths in the candy planet that seemed to abruptly end without anything left to click on, not even a SIMULATION FAILURE.