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Hi, both games have been developed using Cspect and tested on NGO. The problem may be in using Mac OS since I think Cspect is only available for Windows. Not sure, we have not Mac computer to test it but we are sure it is not a bug in the game. 

Have you tried Zesarux for Mac? 

(1 edit)


Thanks for the quick reply. I am running CSPECT on Mac OSX via Mono which is working perfectly for Shovel Adventure and many other games but just not this one which is very strange. I haven’t tried ZEsarux as I’d invested time in getting CSPECT environment set up for my Next stuff. Perhaps you could find a way of testing on a Mac as I’m sure I’m not alone in running CSPECT via OSX - there’s quite a detailed set-up document on the official Next web site on how to do this.

The games are superb. Look forward to hearing from you.
