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I tested this week in every possible way, but it didn't work, this appeared

my parameters

hello again, as far as the error message you're seeing ... without more information here I don't have enough to go on. If you could provide me with a screenshot of the console (pressing f8 when you get that error) and explain what you were doing when you got that error I might be able to assist.

And for your parameters, do you have a game switch #278  that is set to true while testing?
if you assign 'Use On/Off Switch' to true you must assign a game switch ID in the 'On/Off Switch ID' parameter and ensure that game switch is set to true. running an event or common event which uses 'Control Switches' and sets switch #278 to true.

is there a usable item in the database that is also id #278? typically users would have a few to a bunch of items listed in the 'Active Item IDs' parameter.
Example: 2 4 6 8 10
each ID separated with a space.

you also have 'Use Image Files' set to true. Do you have an image named '278.png' inside your pictures folder?
If you prefer to use icons, at least for testing, try setting that to false.

Also from my testing with the QMV master demo the keys q and e seem to be in use already by that plugin, are you looking to override those buttons? because my plugin after the latest patch would override the bindings set by QInput.

Hi again, do you have a demo project for the plugin so I can study? I'm not able to use

Hello again, I'll put together a demo for this plugin as soon as I can. Shouldn't take too long.

Thank you very much my dear, I will be waiting

Hello, I just uploaded the demo project. I hope you find it helpful!

Thank you

Thank you very much for the demo, with it I was able to use your plugin smoothly and it was clear where I was going wrong. One question, is it possible to use this plugin with weapons too?