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(1 edit)

Eh, this game is okay but it's just not worth $5 in my opinion. I know the developer probably worked very hard on this game so I feel kinda bad leaving a review like this but it's just not a very fun game. The physics are very floaty, it's not very challenging, and it feels very unpolished. The home screen image is squished (see below), the game does not save your progress when you quit so you have to complete the entire thing in one sitting, the first two "challenges" (soup pots and cacti) are essentially the same thing (and there's more of that later too.) I dunno, it's an "okay" game but I regret paying $5 for it. It's more of a $1 - $2 game in my opinion, especially when there are way more polished platformers with a cheaper price tag (e.g. The King's Dungeon.)


Sorry to hear you didnt like it :( 

As for not saving the progress - you probably played an older version as from the latest version (1.4 and 1.41) the game now saves your latest checkpoint.

I cant really speak to the other game you mention, but I think 5$ is a fair price given that the game has a wide variety of graphics, individual levels that are all unique both in terms of graphics and gameplay - but yeah its all very individual.

Oh cool, I'll give 1.41 a spin. Weird that Itch didn't let me know a new version had been uploaded, usually it does.