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I've never submitted a game to a jam before, I guess duh since its first game jam. 

My game sort of grew on me, no pun intended, and I probably won't be able to submit what I would call a "complete game". There are a lot of things I want to complete to make it more of an actual game with goals and an end state. But the main mechanics are functional to get a feel of what the game is about.

How do you update the game after you submit it? And do you think it will get any attention if I update it post jam ending or do submitted games typically get played/feedback shortly after jam ending?

Just update the game normally! The jam only lists the game and does not "save" an old version of your game. As far as attention, we have a post-jam wrap-up where you can share your game and play other jammers' games, which should be a good opportunity to get feedback!

(1 edit)

OK, I'm actually trying to submit my game now and set up the game page.  I've never done it before, but will submit what I have as a prototype.

Also when is the post-jam wrap up? I'd like to update my game before then if possible to get feedback on the actual game and not just the prototype.

All of the jam ending threads have been posted as of right now!