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First of all fantastic game, it's been quite a while since I played a visual novel game where the dialogue feels natural and doesn't feel robotic, but I have few questions 

First Will the game ever be available on steam? Will it be free after release if yes, if not will you plan on releasing it by yourself, if yes to first no to second, will it still be free, if no will there be special offers for early access players like me

Furthermore, will there be animated scenes or will it always be image slides? Will there be voice acting involved, if yes may I audition? I'm not a professional voice actor I just want to have a voice in the game, that wasn't important

Lastly, will the game only have monogamous routes or will there be an option to romance every candidate all together (I have terrible time choosing between them), if no first of all why but second of all will then the routes have more personal depth to them like Matt and Julian/Owen (hope I remember em right) 

Sorry for the question bombarding but I just see so much potential from the game and only hope you guys working there don't feel burn out and quit


I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the dialogue! I never mind answering questions 🙂

I would like to put the game on Steam when it's finished, but it won't be finished for a while, so I haven't planned anything in that regard. The final game would have a price, but for now I'm planning to keep releasing it on here for free and rely on Patreon for funding.

I don't have plans for animated scenes, but I am messing around with how I display images to make them a bit more animated. 

I would like voice acting for sure, but it's not something I have the funds for currently.

Right now I'm only thinking of romances as couples, though monogamy may not be the case for some of those relationships. I don't really have plans for throuples or anything, but that doesn't mean it won't come up as I write. The reason: it's already very complicated to keep one storyline straight with all the various choices you can make - intertwining more than one character in a romance would complicate that even more.

I plan to have decently in-depth stories for all the main characters whether they are romanceable or not. The main characters are (in alphabetical order) Alex, Asher, Dominic, Evan, Griffin, Isaiah, Julian, Leo, Mafia, Marco, Matt, NC17, Owen, Riley, Tomas, and Will. Of those 16 characters, 9 will be open to romantic relationships if you make the right choices. The other 7 aren't romanceable for their own character-specific reasons, but I may open some of those guys up as I write.

All the characters exist outside of Connor, so they'll have their own relationships, some of which are connected story-wise like Owen and Julian. Matt and Griffin (a character you can meet in the club update) have connections as well, for example. How much that affects any one romance remains to be seen...

I appreciate all your kind words! "You guys" in this case is just one person. I won't quit, but there will be some gaps between updates based on how much content needs to be created. After the upcoming club update, I plan to introduce new content a little more regularly.

Deleted 353 days ago

Haha, I don't have a goldfish-esque route planned, don't worry 😂 I do like that Obscurasoft added that, though. It's a funny way to handle a "no romance" route.

I like your metaphor about knitting! It's definitely similar when it comes to trying to keep all the various threads straight. Although it's tough sometimes, I do like the challenge and am happy that players are enjoying the results so far 🙂