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I've read on wiki, that on current stage of Gin's training following options are avaliable

  • Target his cock with breasts (must have breasts)
  • Target his cock with butt
  • Target his nipples
  • Target his feet (feet shrine must be enabled)
  • Target his butt (must have a cock)
  • Target his cock with cock (must have a cock)

However, I have ony first 3 options.(all enabled)

I think that wiki is for the previous game, which is similar in many regards but not the same


As far as I know, there is no such character in the old game.


lol the wiki guys must be data mining to get those options. You're only supposed to see the first three since I'm still working on the others.

(1 edit)

Ok.., can't wait then. Btw, do you have suggestions/feedback section?