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Melee is done. What next? Shields?

hell no

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ye only pros should have shield, it should be a item personally granted by pelican themselves.


first shields r an advantage so if only pros got them it’s more unfair for noobs

Second yes I would love shields 

ahh, you understand now.

I always do

why must you even the natural event of nature?


why must you even disturb the natural event of nature?

sry grammar error lol

still counfused 

nvm then lol

No. Catapults

naw we gon' break building or smth? bruh

Dynamic maps would be interesting..

But it would fry some computers.

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yeah like mine and ain't no freaking way someone be carrying a catalpult while capping a flag


xd, would yours fry too? is it a gaming pc?

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I want shield too but they should be difficult to access and not everybody, so unworthy fools can't use it

Yeah... just imagine that one noob constantly holding the shield button...

It would suck, and suck BAD


even if you get close you wouldn't be able to beat the crap outta them...

I can't think about it, it's too nightmare-ish..

I can, if i could be historically accurate i could have a shield and a sword


specifically a jian and a large chinese shield, slightly smaller than that scutum, and preferably cover at the front with woven spring steel (will deflect a lot of thin weapons like blades n such
