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While I have by no means finished playing, only on day 61 as of this writing, I wanted to express how impressed and amazed I was with the writing and rendering. Engaging characters, a setting that is not static, but dynamic with a sense of changing along with the characters as the story, their stories progress. Earlier comments kept mentioning how the bar has been raised and they were not examples of hyperbole. I am looking forward to continuing the journey in your game. 

I also want to say thank you, not just for the work you poured into this game, but also how you handled some of the subjects. I like how the protagonist did blink finding out slavery exists, even asking if the elf stewardess was alright with it. I found myself cheering Sylvia on to the point of thinking, yes Lin, go with her (supposing this was not a scam). Sylvia's first appearance was so unexpected, but very welcomed. 

My first thought with her colonizer (beyond a nod to a certain movie) comment was how ironic, and later I also thought, that should have been my line, but then I reminded myself the protagonist is not only an immigrant by a different color than the player. 

While I am not sure if the protagonist was just humoring Autumn with the one response option of blood boiling just thinking about it, I found I was in complete agreement, and curious, as well as hopeful, if something can be done about it. It added to my gaming experience (I guess obvious with 2 paragraphs on the subject).  

Going back to the subject of color, another big thank you for including characters of color in the game. From Zara to the Dark elf in the first beach visit, both of whom I hope become characters that can become part of the regular cast or at least side characters, as well as sprinkling them in the background. It helps to connect with a game that is more than a series of successive sex scene. You've crafted quite a gaming experience and I realize I have only just begun playing it. Again, thank you very much for it. 

Thank you so much! 

You are very welcome! Oh, even though I haven't finished the game yet, I do want to support it and have just joined your Patreon (as NFinity). I look forward to what you develop in the future and thank you again for all the great work you have done!