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(1 edit)

I found /O, gave me a .WAV and a .PNG... Not a clue what /P could be that Password eludes me.

EDIT: Just found /L and got another .PNG

The more I read this module the more I love it. The secrets, the system, the visuals and the writing. All is perfect for me.

It really makes me happy seeing people find these bits!

Thank you very much for the kind words.

(1 edit)

Dang, /O has been eluding me for months. Every now and then I try new things, but I really can not find the clue that will unlock it. I could unlock "Vault" and "Fell stroke", but knowing that there is a document AND a wav file behind /O... I guess I have to keep trying to unlock this last bit!

EDIT: Ok, just found /L and with this I got all 3 documents: "Fell Stroke", "Vault" and "Deep", plus "Item O". These are great! Nevertheless, password for /O I am pretty sure that it did not work first time I used it some months ago but now it did. Well happy to finally have all 3 secrets"