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danggggggggg bro famous now lol (i consider it fmaous when ppl start faking ur name)

Does “sir dumb is dumb” count as famous 

cus I changed my name to that then sir dumb super fan cus he said he got no fans 😂

lol he has a yt too but he doesnt upload but still being fearless occasionally ppl bow to you and repeatedtly jump lol (havoc has some fans here)

ya ik im subbed to him I love his vids ( especially those deathanimatuons.exe ones) I think got a few fans ( but I think they just like me but ehhhhhh) 

(1 edit)

lol wdym they "like you"??

uh yk like uh idfk how to explain it

so like platonic or intimate?

INTIMATE?????????????? Platonic ofc

i don't think you know what these words mean, so i'll inform you.

both platonic and intimate relations have love, but platonic usually means the friendly side and intimate means the "physical" side.

also u really think I can pull girls?

yes you can.

also the reason he said he got no fans is cus no one has a username like that (those type of fans not all)
