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there is a glitch that if a quest takes place at a time when you have a scheduled job you will still be teleported to the job and glitch out of the quest area

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Could you tell me which quest(s) gave you this issue? I should be able to fix this, but it would be difficult to search for them on my own.

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the one I encountered this glitch on was Noblesse Oblige and it made me not use the system much more after that so don't know what other quests this might happen on

Okay, this one will be fixed in version 0.9998. It's pretty rare for quests to force a time skip mid-quest, and off the top of my head, I can't remember if there are any other in Tarkas (which is the only place where the schedule should trigger). I think you should be fine using the schedule, but I can understand if you don't want to risk it (the schedule has been a very late addition, and so it hasn't been tested with a full playthrough).