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First off, I absolutely love the style and the premise of this game. Home invasion already freaks me out and up until the guy actually appears it's done REALLY well.. 

I see a few other people have a lot of the same criticisms that I do so I don't really want to harp on them too much. I go much more in depth on my thoughts in the video but I'll summarize a few things here.

I don't understand why there's a "VHS effect when there's obviously no camera. I'm not a big fan of those effects/filters anyway but that's more of a subjective thing.

The game looks amazing but it doesn't feel amazing to play. It's tough to describe but using the menu and opening doors feels very finicky.

I tried for a while to find some way to get an ending that wasn't just dying to the guy. That's fine and all but if the only way to get the game's ending is to die then having defensive items is a bit misleading. It just makes me think I have to find something. Maybe I do but that was just my experience.

Aside from all that smaller stuff I want to reiterate that I really like the game. These are just criticisms that come from a place of wanting to see the game improve. Good luck with making this into a full game! Looking forward to seeing more