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this game oddly reminds me of alice of human sacrifice lol

LOL THAT IS ACTUALLY ONE OF THE ORIGINAL INSPIRATIONS. The original story ideas I had for this game (mostly for Arc 1, after that things got really off the rails LOL) were really inspired by early Vocaloid, RPG Horror games, and other horror media I was into at the time. Stuff like Alice Human Sacrifice and Fear Garden on the Vocaloid side, Witch's House and Mad Father on the RPG Horror side, and then a big chunk of inspiration from stuff like American McGee's Alice, Stephen King's It, and other VNs like Umineko and Higurashi. Music in general has also been a big inspiration. Not only music from the above listed stuff (particularly Umineko) but also from movies and such, like the OSTs from Sinister, 28 Days Later, and also a handful of FNAF fan s-songs 😶💦