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Hi there!

The problem is being flagged here, on my Class Curve Plugin:

The alias is supposed to return a number, but it is returning undefined. So I try to track down most info I could, to understand why the alias is returning undefined.

Basically, the Game_Actor.prototype.param is that  code below, by default, inherited from Game Battler Base:

So I assumed, some of this code above is returning undefined. So on the Game_Actor.prototype.param I tried to print all these values into the console to see their values. The result is below:

As you can see above, All values returned a valid number, just fine. Only the alias returned undefined. It means, that some other plugin is doing something with that function, that is causing the undefined. And it is specifically with the Parameter ID 6.

I removed the JS code from your state 36, and everything worked fine. I guess that your State Id 36 is doing something on your game, that is affecting whatever is inside the .prototype.param function, specifically with parameter ID 6.

I can't understand what it is. You have an enormous amount of plugin, and a lot of them is Visustella. I believe I could find a hint as to what is causing the problem, by tracking the start of it, which is on the last lines of the console error, VisuMZ plugins. Unfortunately, as you know, they have their code obfuscated, so there is no way I could understand what is happening there(the same way you did with my plugin) .

I tried to disable those plugins, but the error keeps showing other Visu plugins.


On my plugin, on line 1187, replace that line with the below:

const value = (alias ?? this.paramBase(paramId) + (this.paramBasePlus(paramId) * this.paramRate(paramId) * this.paramBuffRate(paramId)) ).clamp(minValue, maxValue)

That prevents the error from happening, but it can make something not work properly, I don't know what because I don't know the cause of the problem. That at least will prevent the error from happening.


Don't know what it is, and will not try to find the problem. 

You should either discover why the parameter ID 6 is returning undefined. Don't know if State 36 is doing some work on another part of your game that is affecting this, if it does, then the problem could be much bigger to find out. Or could be a compatibility issue. Don't know.

You either try to reach them out to see if they can fix it, do not use the passive state the way you are doing with State 36, or remove my plugin.

Good luck!


Okay first things first, I need your plugin it's pretty much a pillar in my game so I can't remove it. When I saw your plugin it was love at first sight, so I cannot. Everything goes about JUST fine without the state.

These are the things that can be tried... I turned off all plugins and only left Skill_State Core ON and your eli curve ON. And those are the only plugins that return with the bug/value to isolate the problem. I hope that helps in some way.

From what I understand i have an actor in the 6th Slot using the same class(maybe casuing the problem). I deleted it, I'm assuming that parameter ID 6 is looking for an actor with names and stats for some odd reason and it would load it into battle( I think). I appreciate the help and how much you've done!


I left here only 3 plugins ON:

  • Eli Book, Eli Class Curve, and Visu Skill State Core. The error didn't happen with only those 3 plugins.

It's like I said before, too troublesome to track down this bug in all obfuscated, big help files, and larger plugin parameters of Visu stuff. I will not keep searching. And I already did a lot of trying. Sorry =/

Possible solutions

  1. Try the solution I presented to you before, to replace that line of code on my plugin to avoid the error.
  2. Try to contact Visustella and see what they can do for you. Did you try that? My plugin codes are open, is way easier to find a compatibility issue.
  3. Find other people's plugins that do the same thing as the visu plugins you are using, so the passive states work.
  4. Remove either some visu plugin or my plugin.

And also, just to remind you, it may even not be a compatibility issue. It could be something connected to some visu plugin parameters, specifically involving the passive state ID 36 and actor parameter ID 6. Some formulas, don't know, what is causing the issue. But for that, someone who really understands them needs to check all your plugin configurations to see if can find anything. But it could lead to nothing or it could find the problem. 

Either way, there is nothing I can do anymore. Sorry =/

I appreciate you, you take commissions? I'm looking for a skill equip plugin. Like octopath traveler.

I do. But not now. I'm with like 4 plugins to do in a row for some commissions, and after that, I will give a break to dedicate to my own plugins here. I may be available a little after mid-March.