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I'm at a similar point. You can't get too attached to FVN or furry games, unless you want to be disappointed. But I can understand it nonetheless, because for whatever reason many furries are in bad health sometimes, and I'm not too different. But of course we can't ignore how much work, creativity, time are required and therefore these projects can be very taxing 


It's honestly an issue with indie games in general. They're frequently very long-term passion projects, and when a creator's on their own or in a small group, it doesn't take much for a game to get left by the wayside.

That said, the furry game scene exploded with the pandemic, and circumstances have been changing rapidly for a lot of people in that time.

I do agree that acknowledgement would be really nice... but I also know that if I'm unable to, say, respond to a text message in a reasonable time frame, or spend a little too long away from a close-knit community somewhere online, anxiety rapidly snowballs until I can't bring myself to engage at all when I do manage to remember. So I get it, even if it sucks.

(Did you accidentally reply to me instead of the other person? I can't tell. Also, please don't feel oblidged to respond, the following text is a lot as you can see.)

Yes, so if it happens you support the game from the beginning, oftentimes there won't be a payoff if said game receives the cancel treatment. However, if nobody supports the developer the game gets cancelled anyway. Although unrelated, streaming services and their shows are similar in that regard unfortunately.

From the little you told me I'd say it could be that you constantly feel the need to be acknowledged, because otherwise you can't find true happiness  to whatever circumstances you find yourself in in your life. In my case it's different, rather the opposite even, and frankly I don't know what it means. There are good, friendly and kind furries I met thanks to FVN, with some of whom I have "well established internet relationships". Still, at the moment I can't seem to find the motivation to talk to them. Perhaps it's internet or social media related plus anxiety or depression or both. Fatigue, lack of purpose and a drive for anything are likely also the problem.

If you're interested, there's a helpful channel I randomly came across – unless the algorithm was involved – just now on youtube that made a video about this topic. The psychiatrist who runs the channel has many other, similar videos including the topic anxiety. Maybe they could lead you in the right direction. Youtube recommends his content – clicking on the videos shows "From a channel with a certified medical specialist", not sure if it can be considered professional help to be honest. Besides, don't let the channel name HealthyGamerGG confuse you, apparantly he used to be addicted to gaming. His two videos titled "Why Finding Purpose is So Hard Today" and "Does ADHD Make You More Anxious?" (I have ADHD) are thought provoking particularly for me. Good luck figuring your condition and situation out. Me and many others can relate to how hard it is, so at the very least you can easily find someone to talk to especially in this community.

I would invite you to talk to me so I can hear you out, help and encourage you like I did with others, like us, who helped me in turn. But only if you don't have anyone else, because I'm already not responding to my friends and relatives anymore.... Regardless, the offer stands nontheless and frankly I'm not trying to sound unapproachable.