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This game is a wonderful masterpiece. When I played my heart fell hard for the young man. For I was once in his shoes.

Depression is hard to live with and suicide is a thought that never truly leaves. I to once tried to call a hotline and ended up calling a new friend by mistake. So desperate just to have someone show love and show that I had a purpose; that I was needed. When you feel like this you can do scary and crazy things.

I always got the loving endings because I could see myself in him and all I want to do was hold him.

The voice acting was wonderful. The french made both me and my guy friend weak. Like swooning, giggling high school girls.

If your other game that your working on is anything like how wonderful this game was then I can't wait to play it.

Thank you for this wonderful experience.

P.s He can call me his kitty of Noel. Since that is my last name Lol.

Hello, Neko1Noel3! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and let me know. I'll do my best to make sure my next game lives up to your expectations!