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(1 edit)

Hi dev, so I liked your game so far, but I have an issue with the latest update. Thanks in advance : 

So when I start the game, and click on the load button, it says that one of the img didn't load correctly. Specifically the ''image/faces/p-zbrow1.png'' one. I already tried what the text file said about errors

Also is the event that enables the possibility to hold hands still doable? And if so, is it triggered randomly or do you have to do certain actions?

Sorry for the long questions

Your save files are from too many versions back and isn't compatible anymore. If you're on desktop though, you can navigate to the folder with the missing file, and put a dummy file in there to trick the game into thinking everything's fine. Then just save your game and it should work.

And yes, it is! It's triggered randomly when you sleep, but will be more likely the longer you've been playing for

Oh ok, thanks