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Sounds more like you can't read to me since it says in the description that desktop is on steam and mobile itch


I paid for it before then. And have all but the most recent update uploaded on my computer. 

To suggest that I can't read is rude and ignorant on your part. 

Moving the PC version off of itchio after so many of us have been playing it through here is wrong on so many levels.

Perhaps you need to take a good look as to why you made this decision, before you start insulting those that have contributed to your game in the past


'SomeKindOfEggDog' doesn't make the game, I do. Itch has always hosted Acts I-IV of Ravager, and that hasn't changed. But I have made Act V for Android available for purchase.

I would like to make the desktop versions available here too, but I have to navigate Steam's noncompete clause, and that will take some time. 

Thank you for your response. I look forward to playing Ravager once again. And if Steam has a non compete clause that interferes with a platform that pre-exists them for you, then there is some serious shenanigans going on. That should be grandfathered in and is probably illegal for them to enforce.