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Hasran Basras is a refugee from a very problematic Ravenloft rpg. He was a young man's version of a character of the local guide who wants your money. But he became a complicated character who was perhaps the best character I ever played. He never let anyone forget no matter how bad things were in any other part of Ravenloft, there was his homeland where there literally is no food and everyone has to drink this magic water to survive and check your privilege. He visited Barovia and sure the werewolves sucked but there was arable land and a marketplace that could actually let objects be made and acquired that weren't relics of a millenia dead civilization. He was the voice that NPCs aren't yours to mess with and that they have lives and memories and we are going to try to remember that instead of just murder-hacking through the local citizenry when  we are trying to slave their vampire mayor. We're going to talk to them instead. We're not here to fight monsters, we're here to change lives. And he had a small bag full of the magical items they couldn't sell but no one wanted and he would just give them to random people who needed them.

He was a hustler and a merchant and a dealer and was only useful in combat because he had some trinket that could support the party but he was the man.