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Very nice project.

I enjoy the idea of a reverse assault on a tower defense base.

I also find it entertaining how the pawns seem to dance whenever approaching the center tower.

The game could use some more "info" about what each evolve tier does, or perhaps what the current level of each tier is currently at.

Other than that great submission.

Hi! Thanks for your feedback!

They also has different dances depends on their speed!

There are many hidden mechanics not stated in info panel. Maybe it would be better if we make an whole fullscreen widget for game info :)

Every evolve do what it says - Speed/Health/Damage/Score for every unit approaching tower. Only population is not tied to any unit.

More over it's meant to be like real world survival of the fittest evolution where mutations are random across population. So every time you click on some "mutation" all survived units get random change mutated stat value, something like +-20%.