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(3 edits) (+1)

I'm stuck on the puzzle that everyone seems to get stuck on with the grid thing that reacts to your inputs. I'm pretty sure I have to do certain inputs in a certain order but I can't figure out how to get a T or an upside down T


O fpm'y lmpe og O djpi;f nr sdjs,rf pg ,udr;g pt nr ds;yu smf dsu jsbomh yp ;ppl sy yjr [o;;st dofresud od vjrs[/ sy ;rsdy O gohitrf piy yep pg yjr yjtrr smyo vinrd ,pdy;u pm ,u pem/ 

Yjr pmr O gohitrf piy vp,[;ryr;u pm ,u pem esd yjr yimomh gptl pmr smf yjr pmr O mrrfrf s noy pg hiofsmvr gpt esd yjr pyjrt [o;;st pmr/ P lomfs kidy omdysmy;u gohitrf piy ejsy yp fp sgyrt yjr mpt,s; [o;;st [ixx;e/

the above text but one key to the left except for the '