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Wow! You got me with this one!

ZX spectrum - my first true love :DDDDD so many hours spent on gunfright, elite, robin and etc

The loading screen is something!

The shaders and lighting - cool!

True gem, really enjoyed.

Well done!


In game menu is not working or missing (but that's not affecting fun from the game at all for me :) )

(2 edits)


During the game you can access the pause menu with the P key. It's the only menu that is during the game.

By the way, I have several projects started with 1-bit ZX Spectrum style, like a sci-fi Metroidvania, some puzzle-platformer, or a tribute to the great "Cybernoid" in the form of Metroidvania.  Some of them you will find on my Itchio page.

Wow, that's cool! I'll definitely check it!

Do you plan to release the source code for this one?
It would be interesting to see how you implemented some of the FXs in the game.

Great work!

Thanks again!

Sorry, not planned share the source code at moment.

Best regards! 

Sure, totally understood.

Please let me know if you'll do ;)

Good luck!