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Y'all knocked it out of the park this update! Really enjoyed the additional scenes between the gang, as well as the awesome world building. Thanks for the hard work on this, and I'm really looking forward to the next update. That said:

(spoilers ahead)

I may have missed/forgotten a couple of things, but I seem to be a bit lost on what to do with the moondust you pick up from the top of the mill. I've reached the endscreen for this update, but I can't seem to find where the cauldron is that the wizard is referring to. Is it in the area behind him in the shop, or somewhere else?


Thank YOU for playing through, and for the positive words regarding the scenes and world-building! T'is a pleasure to know there are folks who enjoy both sides of the game~.

As for your question, the moondust can be synthesized into an item with three units... and with a certain cauldron, yes.
There's a merchant on the other side of the slug den. Go all the way through, instead of heading down. He's waiting on the opposite side, and he'll give you the cauldron you need! You can still make something with the moondust and with other ingredients, so I recommend picking it up even if you missed it during the main game!