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Congratulations on your day job! That's so cool! And I know a lot of people that really like being able to play visual novels on their phone - myself included, nothing quite like a lazy morning in bed with a good vidual novel :D - so I am sure people will appreciate it coming out on Google Play. I know I am excited :)

I don't celebrate Chinese New Year (being European and all), but it looks like a lot of fun and a lot of work at the same time :D I hope you enjoy it, but that you also get to relax and take time for yourself :)

Thank you, Sazura!
It doesn't feel real--I mean, so many good things are happening and it's only January Q_Q I fear that the more good things I get, more bad things will follow to balance it out...
But whatever happens, I'm grateful that I've been given this chance to publish Winged Ones on phone <3

Chinese New Year is sooo busy and bustling, an introvert like me gotta take some time to catch my breath, but yes, it's fun for a once a year event! x'D

And you too! I hope you had a great time with your family during the new years -^.^)/
Let's keep working hard together!