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It may have taken a decade, but with "Fishblade" Kumada1 has manifested an (the?) answer to Epidiah Ravachol's ancient-by-the-internet's-standard question "What is a Roleplaying Game"?

It *looks* like a gag, like a throw away joke in response to the fury surrounding the OGL nonsense going on as of early 2023, but is (intentional or not) a stealth rejoinder to the Indie RPG scene's big question of 2013, and it's answer is both a full throated declaration in the field of "RPG Theory" and an instance of a baller way to kill an evening with friends.


An essential analysis of this key period in Fishblade history!


Finally got a game in with a big group (6 first time players) and it quickly descended into 'introduce character and describe how I stabbed them' in four near-consecutive beats. Very little extraneous to the core mission of killing the fisherman. The whole thing took maybe four minutes. I'd call it a success though, everyone had a look of panic or amusement on their face the entire time. It'd be interesting, and I hope to test this out, to see if the same group of players start getting long winded or complicating each other's play on repeated exposure now that they're at least passing familiar with the game...

Oh no! That's the first documented Fishblade speedrun!

I think I may have made the 'Ending Fishblade' penalty a little too severe. A friendlier version might be that if a player stops talking for longer than 3 seconds, they can't narrate again until Fishblade moves on to the next target. Fishblade is only defeated if all players cannot currently narrate.


I've updated the core rules to reflect this. It should now be a bit safer to fishblade.