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Dear Helianthus Games!

I would like to ask, are you planning to update this remarkable pack for another yearly upadte (on March 11)?

Maybe new planet color variations, or special megaconstruct like Ringworld (Stanford Torus), Dyson Sphere, Bernal Sphere, O'Neill Cylinder, Alderson Disk, Shkadov Thruster? Anything like that?

Thanks for your hard work as always :)


Hello, good ideas, but they are quite niche I think. I will consider adding a Dyson sphere though!

Also thank you for your continued interest in the pack, would love to see what you have made with it!


Yup, you are right, totally niche stuff but its looks amazing :) I know ofc not every of them looking cool on pixel art graphics. Maybe some shipwrecks/debris, tiny abandoned lifeboat, Blitzar (looking cool, like a space amoeba), Wolf-Rayet Star, Hypernova, anything unsual.

Me and my brother working on a lightweight 4X space strategy game, but we are moving slowly on development.


Some supernova would be great I agree, I cannot promise about the rest, but you have some very interesting ideas! Good luck with your game!


I have added Supernovas and a Dyson sphere to the pack and you are mentioned in the latest devlog :)


You are the real MVP, thanks for updateing this awesome pack!