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(1 edit) (+2)

Heyyyyyy again!

Another amazing update! Again I'm impressed with how much I enjoyed the writing and the visuals of the game and it's scenes.

This time you spent some more time fleshing out characters and I liked it a lot, having the new little bonding with Rinnal, Kuno, Jaler and the desert guy I can't ever remember its name (sorry!) were pretty good and made me even more interested in them, I really want to know more about Rinnal. 

And all writing was on point, specially on the lewd scenes, the description of the touches, approaches, materials, sensations and reactions were as good as the scenes were, in some scenes it sold the scene even more, like the Cave Overseer grapple text, that was very hot.

Now the visuals, the stretchy and sticky was all over the place and I love it, the cave slugs and it's golem scenes were so good, how you are bound to the wall and the aftermath of it, the jellyfish and its wrapping appendage, the red dragon slime and how he stretches on the second step of the grapple, THE SPIDER with the hottest grapple and after scene, the Moth with the many outcomes, the enthralled adventurer and all its grapple variations plus his misadventures later... Even the bats that is not on my "preferences" were cool, The buff bats were awesome though.

Now the mechanics, I saw that you made strides to make enemies that had different fight mechanics, the enthralled adventurer were the prime example, fighting and grapple unique mechanics, the jellyfish also had the electric counter and attacks, the minions on the cave overseer and so on. Another great thing was the quest system, although a bit restrictive, as it locks you inside its objectives, it makes clear your objectives and its easier to spot points to stop playing and return later, without feeling lost.

Ok... Now ill talk about some opinions of mine of what I felt like missing in the game, as always I respect your choices and creative process, just giving some insight on some points from the game:

At the same time you spent more time on game mechanics you didn't add anything to the old mechanics, no new weapons and armors, although you added new accessories (and good ones too), I missed getting new weapons ant their added skills and new armors.

Talking about the armors, I was betting we were going to get some armors based on the two bugs we fought, since each one of them had an "attachment" to Grove, being one the chitin appendages from the cave overseer and the cocoon wraps from the treetop Moth sequence, maybe even some variance of the enthralled adventurer design, with some help from Wizz and maybe his brother, but sadly they only exist in my mind x.x .

Lastly, and probably the more personal preference opinions, you go all the distance to make some pretty awesome scenes, but i felt like you missed some details on some grapples, the webs from the spider boss was a bit weak in comparison with the mummy bandages and the slime suit, the red dragon slime also looked like it was just an afterthought with the mitts, but thinking about it right now, I am understanding that its to ease producing the scenes using some established assets. I also felt like you missed the chance to show grove exiting the moth cocoon, I know you added some first person scenes in this update with the cocoon and the buff bat scene, but though all the game we see Grove as the target, and even though I also love the first person scenes, but I also wanted to see Grove in the predicament. Lastly, I though for a second that after losing to the bat twinks you would be jailed with a buff bat and have to fight him too, but no buff bat fight ever happened, sadly.

Alright, thank you for attending my TED talk. And once again THANK YOU for another amazing update, gave the game five stars already and will be waiting qazm update on it's guide to check the high corruption scenes.


We decided early on that there would be no new weapons of armour in this update. We wanted to make the combat encounters a bit different, and we wanted people to find builds that they enjoyed and put them through each quest, using the stuff they already had. We fully intend to add some more gear in the next update though!

Sorry that you didn't quite like the first-person perspective scenes as much! I'm afraid that's something we just have to try and do our best to balance, and we can't always appeal to everyone's preferences.
The spider webs and the mitts... this might sound like a funny problem, bondage elements in battle grapples can be just as restrictive for us as for the player! We like to have a good amount of motion or extra details added in each new grapple phase so it's obvious there is a sense of progression for players to follow, and so the scenes do not just feel like lazy facial expression changes. BECAUSE of that... we don't want to make the bondage too restrictive, so sometimes those details might feel like they don't get enough presence. We accept the criticism though.

Otherwise thank you for the very long and generally very positive review of the game! It's much appreciated indeed, and I hope we can only continue to get better and more enjoyable in the future!

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, don't get me wrong, I like the first person scenes, I just feel that they could maybe have a third person scene with it, like with the buff bat than when you lose, you see him breaking out and grappling you.

Anyway, I really like your game and although my favorite part is still the Jaler part with Grove in the desert, this update is definitely the best update until now, no doubts. I shared my opinions with you but I don't want to interfere in your creative process nor I mean any disrespect in any way.