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Np!! The Let's Play gameplay is a lot more of what I was thinking of! I legit think you got a really cool game it just needs a few tweaks haha. I think a skill tree could be interesting, maybe it could help give players some choice in their play style? Now that you describe that issue that you witnessed when jump was space, I think you can keep it as Shift. I think you're on the right track to making something genuinely awesome. Keep up the great work!!

Thanks for the follow-up! I'm like, the only game-dev in my friend circle, so it's really, really helpful to hear your thoughts :)

Planning on playing the other games in the jam a little later this week, and yours will be first on my list!

Ah, the struggle of being the only dev in a friend circle, the struggle is real LOL, excited to hear whatcha think of my project! It's pretty early on so I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I've got so far!