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(1 edit) (+1)

After finally reading all the guys routes I have to say I love how different each one is tone wise I am left with questions I understand cliffhangers but that is not what I am questioning I can't figure out whether some of the options to split the story are good or bad like weather or not to smell devons tank top give an example I mean well Devon does tell the main character not to do it again but you don't find out that Devon is gay if you don't do it so my point is I can really see how some options are definitely bad but that one isn't clear maybe it's just me sorry for the long comment

(1 edit) (+3)

devon comes out to mc no matter what in sauna scene, sniffing his tank top just makes awkward conversation and if u dont sniff it, mc comes out to him as gay and Devon's surprised

not disagreeing but that's not the feeling I got yes tank top awkward but not not didn't seem to give the same effect for a lack of a better word