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Very great game I can tell a lot of passion went into this game, the music is nice, the animation and cutscene all look super well-made, and the characters all have nice designs.

The bad about this game are few, but they are there.

The voice actors in this game are not good. Like, the only person who really does well in her role is Ashe, but that's easy because she is super monotone. I cringe every time I hear their voice acting. (although since this in not only an indie game, but a PORN indie game, it makes sense not having the resource of good voice actors.)

The other is that I feel like this a story with some sex scenes in it, not enough sexy times, I hope that you will improve on this in future updates. 

But besides some flaws, this game is amazing! And I hope you continue on it! You deserve a well-earned score and a follow! I hope this Projekt continues!~


The voice actors are doing fine