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Biiig update.

New Characters, locations, mechanics, a sidequest, and I left in the testing feature. To use it, just pick 'yes' on the opening menu. If you'd prefer to see how the game is shaping up as intended, select no. If you pick yes, hop into the portal that opens up and you'll be taken to a map that is otherwise inaccessible that has some things I'm just testing out on it and some leftovers from old tests. talk to the second guy from the top (the beardy one) and you will get a bunch of items and your cellar will be populated so you can test out the brewing feature without having to step through the story to get to it. there is a guy that will chase you and harass you. he is part of my AI experiment. I am going to use that to have the cops interrupt you if they catch you putting up a flier. The brewing is still somewhat a work in progress so I would like feedback on it. It's currently the most complicated thing I've put in. Gonna get some shuteye.