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I really like the visuals, it was very well executed and you nailed the Kurzgesagt art style. That sudden ground disappearing was funny, was wondering where that would come into play lol. Only confusion may be where I couldn't figure out how to restart a level and might've softlocked myself hahaha.


oh yea, hitting the flag before the checkpoint. so annoying and such an easy fix as well. I've explained why not in other comments, but here is another reason on top of that: my hard drive died, so I'm moving the important stuff to my main ssd. I'm gonna buy a new second ssd sooner or later.

Thanks for playing :)

u should play Tiny Pirates by ManuGamesDev


Oof then yeah that's totally understandable, that must've really sucked. Glad you managed to upload the game anyways, and hope you're able to sort it out soon.