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(1 edit)

Do you have any recommendations or tips for blending between the different shade of grass seamlessly? 

This is absolutely gorgeous, thank you for the great work

Hey! Thanks, glad you like it!
As for the grass, the darker shades are better to be used for places where you need a shadowier/darker place. Or like a focusing/composition tool. Make the places that are not as important darker, while keeping your main paths, and other spots where you can walk lighter. Stuff like that, if that's what you meant. 
Or if you meant how to get the light grass transition to darker grass, you can just use layers. Keep the lightest grass as base layer, and add the darker shade on top on another layer. However i included also the tiles which have integrated dark to light colours, which you can use on the same layer.

(1 edit)

The layering is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!

Out of curiosity, what program did you use to lay the demo images out?

Thank you!
I drew it in Pyxel Edit, and that's what I used too make the mockups too. But it's probably easier to do in some game engine. Coding in autotiling and stuff like that.