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Hi feme2023, thanks for peeking and playing both of our games ;)! 

Uhg, yeah we made that orange a tough one x . x! For the second pattern, the trajectory of the slices is always adjusted by 90-degrees when they bounce off the wall, but it can be tricky to avoid.

Is there a different type of boss or attack that you'd like to see in future games? 


im not sure.Maybe something that covers 1 or 2 lines across and also hits you while you are inside your own space would be cool since the player would have to be wary while in their safe zone.But im no critic or even someone who has played alot of videogames so sorry if this idea is bad

(1 edit) (-1)

Oooo that's a pretty good idea! Maybe we'll try something like that in the future ^_^!!

This is only our second game and we don't know what we're doing, so we hope you stick with us as we figure things out <3