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Milky Honey Soft

A member registered Dec 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh that's an interesting idea! We didn't think of that. Thanks for your kind comment ^_^ We're really proud of this game! Thanks for peeking. <3

<3 HONEY IS WOW <3 We couldn't agree more!! Thank you for your kind comment Chiyawa ; w ; -- hope you can finish the game soon. Sorry you have had to replay. Thanks for peeking! <3 

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Aww thank you Marcodepapel! We appreciate ALL your comments ; u ; <3 Thanks for playing our latest game <3 

>w< Thank you so much. Cheers *clinks cup of tea* 

Aww thank you both for playing ; w ; <3 We're happy to hear you like the challenge and the art. We love hearing who are fans are and want to include more body types in our game!! Thanks for peeking <3 ^w^ 

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Jay_Hugo: Review
Rating: 9/10 

Jay_Hugo gave us great constructive feedback on our game! We'll consider changing the key/lock for future games. Thanks for peeking <3 ^w^ 

Dang! Sorry the key and lock was so frustrating ; o ; </3. It's a new mechanic we tried out for this game - so maybe in future games we will make it easier. Thanks for playing in spite of that, we really appreciate it <3! Happy peeking <3 

TTwTT so sorry...</3 

Whaaaat we're so honored you completed everything!! Great job!! Happy the game was fun and you enjoyed the art. Thanks for peeking ^w^ <3 

Whaaaaat - really?! We never thought we had a reason to, but maybe we will. If we do - we'll drop a link here. Thanks for the motivation TTwTT <3 <3 <3!! We make all the art and music and we honestly didn't think anyone would notice haha. 

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So happy to hear it got easier <3!! We like using HTML so that any bug fixes are automatically updated for everyone, but it is something we have considered. Appreciate your feedback and thanks for peeking <3!! (also love your username haha) 

We are dumb. Cannot do :( sowwy

A-aww....thank you ; ~ ; <3 

Aw thank you so much <3! I'm glad the game got easier as you played - and happy you liked revealing the images. Your comment made us smile - thanks for peeking <3 ^^!!! 

Don't you mean "PEEK" style and "PEEK" character design ;) :) ;)! ((this is how I am and I refuse to change >:3)) 

We are so happy you searched "christmas games" too <3!! 

Aww thank you so much - you're too kind. We are hardly a team right now (just 2 ppl), so I don't think we'd have much to offer TToTT - but we appreciate your support a ton!! 

Thanks for playing a half an hour! <3 Sorry it wasn't for you. 

Yayyy!! Happy to hear you kept playing and became a total boss!! <3 <3 <3 

Of course we have to include some cutie booties in our games. <3 Your comments made us smile. Thanks for peeking <3 >w< 

This guy gets it >:3!! <3 

Thank you so much! >w<!!! Great to hear your feedback on the different bosses - actually they are evenly dispersed through the bonus stages (with both bosses in the bonus levels) - but we'll think about that for future games! Thanks!

Hehehe sorry, we like to be a little cheeky with our menus :3 <3 The easter grass is kind of fun right? Thanks for peeking!! 

Haha oh no - I guess we did make that carrot bunny pretty hard ^^; - thanks for enjoying the characters and art in spite of him!! Thanks for peeking <3 

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Well since you're encouraging us....we'll keep it up ;3! 

Thanks for your kind comment though - our artist really appreciates the love. Comments like these really do keep us going <3!! 

Thank you so much for noticing the different body types ^w^ <3! Thanks for the great suggestion too!!  

XD Oh no poor boss bunny! 

More love in hentai games Q v Q we couldn't agree more! Thanks for peeking <3!

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Thanks for peeking, SwiftTheFox!! <3 

If the demand is high - we may consider polishing the Windows version to make it available for download. For now, we like using HTML because we can automatically update it for everyone. Sorry about that! 

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Heck yeah!! <3 Thank you for peeking!! 

Yeah the key can be pretty slippery - but it should bounce out of that space eventually. But if the key leaves the scene completely somehow, you should automatically get it. Did it get stuck a lot? 

Thanks for peeking, Kenriko628! <3 

Still might be 3 spooky 5 us...? >o> 

Aww thank you so much >u<!! Our artist redrew the art a few times to make it look just right --  so they are really happy to hear you like the art <3 

Aww thank you for your ridiculously sweet comment! And thank you for noticing all the hard work and love we put into our games. There's just 2 of us and we do all the programming, art, music....everything! that really means a lot ^-^!! <3 

Just your support and kindness is enough ^-^ <3 Thanks for brightening our day!


Thanks so much! We used a program called Stencyl

We have 1 character designer, writer, and level designer - and 1 pixel-artist, programmer, and composer. It's just us 2 ^w^! 

Thanks for your detective work! <3 Maybe it's a Windows + Firefox problem specifically? 

Appreciate your help and thanks for peeking ^-^!! 

Maybe. Might be 2 spooky.... o-o

Thanks for playing all the games <3 <3!! 

A L-LESBILLION!!!!???!!! <3 <3 

ahhhhhhhhh!! omgggg  >/////<!!! Thanks for the great suggestions and your sweet comment! Congrats on getting all of the eggs. You're a super peeker! 

Mwah <3! Thanks for peeking uvu 

Fight me >:3!! 

Glad you still had fun despite the evil choco bunnies >w<!!

Yessssss more thicc ladies <3 TToTT!! We're happy to hear you noticed ^-^! Also - nice to know the game play is a good difficulty. 

Thanks for your kind comment <3 

Aww thank you for complimenting the art and the different body types ^-^!! We're so happy you noticed. 

You are awesome >u<! Stay tuned for a new game very soon! >u> <3 

Wow!! Thanks for playing ALL of our games. We love "panic style" - so we're happy to hear you like it too ^.^ 

Stay tuned for our next game coming soon! <3 

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This might be a dumb question, but did you press Z on the warning screen to continue?

Woo-hoo! You're a Wanna Peek Masterrrrr!! \(>w<)/ 

We hope you had fun peeking <3. Thanks for playing everything we made ;u; it makes us so happy to see people enjoying our games! 

Eeee <3! Thank you for your sweet comment >w<!! <3 we love u too uwu

In our own testing the game runs as intended when using Chrome, Opera, and Edge. The only browsers we have experienced problems with are Firefox and Brave. Are you having issues when running the game using Chrome, Opera, or Edge?