So, a few things.
Number 1, I am no longer going to work on this game, at least for a while.
The reason being, I really like the idea, but I'm not good enough to put it into practice. I don't want this to be like An0m@ly.
Number 2, If anyone is interested in finishing this game, I would be happy to post what I have now with a general plan of what I was going to do. Please note that if I did, I would expect that that person would credit me and all the resources I used. (Would include a list, of course). Also, I would ask that if someone did finish it, they would keep it at most Teen/PG-13.
Lastly, I'm not going to make a devlog for any other games I make, unless I'm at least halfway through.
Anyway, I'll still be checking in regularly, so if you have any question/comments, let me know. Thank you!