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Hey uh

I keep getting halted at the point with the confrontation between Lucian and Gin

It keeps giving me an error and I can't get past it no matter what I do

"ShaderError: Precision of uniform 'u_model_size' differ between VERTEXT and FRAGMENT shaders"

I don't exactly know what the error means and/or how to fix it so..

just gunna report what's goin on :P

Thanks for letting us know, we'll take a look see and get back to you on that.

Hi there Rizadon, we are having issues replicating the error that was experienced, can you send a screenshot of the issue for us to know what shader was having issues.

*The Blue blots are just for privacy purposes

I don't think they're that necessary though but just keeping my irl name off the internet lol

Hello Rizadon, we regret to inform you that we are still having difficulties recreating the error that is experienced. 

We are still working on the issue, but will require more players to report  the same issue. For now we can recommend:

1. Trying a New Game file as the game when it is updated sometimes it may cause old save files to bug out when we move sprites and such.

2. Wait for the next public update and see if the problem persists. If it does we would recommend trying the New Game file once more then let us know if it did or did not work.