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Oh my god. Oh my god, this was delightful!
I am simply astonished at how you strung together words in such a manner that made my heart skip a beat. How you made me feel fear, irritation, and joy in a mere 10,000 words I will never know (not to say 10,000 words isn't a feat in itself! It usually takes more than that to make me as ecstatic as I am writing this is all). 
The ending is what got me, however. It made me shriek with laughter (and no, I am not exaggerating. It woke up those I live with). 
Oh, and the drawings? Your art style positively blessed my eyes. Thank you for this game. Seriously, I enjoyed it immensely. 


I am to now play your other work, and I will leave my thoughts (and, more than likely, my praise) under that as well.


Thank you so much! The ending had me cracking over and over the more I worked on it; the rough draft had more written there but I decided to lean more heavily on the visual elements to land the moment home. XD 

I hope you enjoy Serialized Killer! I love writing for Hawley and Harry, and I hope to do lots more with them in the future!