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Feel free to hack! All my work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License, so you can do anything you like with it, even sell your hack for money, as long as you credit the original.

If you let me know when you release your hack, I'll even share it around my own network. Well, if I like it. But I like a lot of RPGs.

Hey, took me a while but I released a game called Hunters Unleashed based on the nightmare unleashed - sorry for just leaving a comment, I did not know how else to contact you.


That's really exciting! I'll go check it out.

You can also contact me at and at

One request - could you credit Nightmare Unleashed as by myself and Plasmophage? On a one-page game like this the art/layout are a big deal and very tied into how the final words came out.

(1 edit)

Absolutely, no problem at all.

*Edit: Alright added it to PDF and Store page :)