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What a tremendously spooky experience!

The Junji Ito feel has been utterly nailed, without actually having to go to the straight up gross-out party his stories usually end up in - and even without that, you have managed to create an RPG style horror game that runs on the sheer anticipation rather than a multitude of deaths like many of its kind. Wonderful work - the visual of just that open, gaping window will haunt me for a while.

At worst, I could say some puzzles could use a little tightening - the math book is unclear on whether various tenses of the word "Spiral" counts in figuring out the password, and the game seemed to make such a huge deal out of the nail puller I kept wondering when I had to use it in the climax (and as a result died a LOT trying to get different endings).

But all in all - one of the best spooks I have had in a good while.