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My god, this was such an intense visual novel. I love how there was truly real consequences and the way that Marlowe was so affected by everything. I love the design of this visual novel, everything was designed so well and uniquely made for the vn down to the microscope part at the setting and the cool little tricks that were made like typing at Spooktgle (lol). I also love how unique the story is, like, I think the amoeba one kinda reminds me about Venom but here, there truly is a real sense of death. The sense of urgency that is felt throughout those 10 days?? Absolutely chilling. 

And meeting Niall and seeing how disconnected he is from the true horrors he's inflicting Marlowe. Just, perfect to how absolutely blind he is. I mean yeah, he's an amoeba (I genuinely didn't expect someone to "anime"-fy an amoeba... Genuinely) and also a parasite. The fact that there wasn't any explicit violence or subtle manipulation that is prevalent in many visual novels that feature a yandere (because as I played, I came to the conclusion that Niall is in fact a yandere), here there is hardly any of that, and instead it just use psychological horror. Especially with the family focus because the intention is pure (Marlowe wanting a family to love, Niall wanting a "family" because it's a species thing) and how absolutely twisted it all was when these two versions of "family" collided.

I'm curious what happens to Marlowe after she dies in one of the ending. Will Niall use her corpse as a breeding ground or something like a mushroom thingy? And what about Marlowe's family because the story makes it a point to see how close Marlowe is to her dad?

Also the voice acting in Day 10. My god, superb, especially with how Marlowe's VA, Coda, had to voice Marlowe's lines as though she was speaking it through gritted teeth. AND THE ENDING WHERE MARLOWE SCREAMS NIALL'S NAME AND CRIES?!??!?! Girl/Dude/Friend, I was shaking, I have baby goosebumps, there was so much emotion of anger, helplessness, like everything was pouring out. If Niall could hear Marlowe from beyond the lake, I genuinely wonder if he thought Marlowe was grieving losing him and the children--

Also side note, it was absolutely terrifying hearing Niall's VA, Trickle, voice the mad lines of how Niall would continuously multiply-- Like, oh my god I was screaming for Marlowe-- AND THE BUTTONS?! I pretty much pounded them as I kept silently screaming "MARLOWE LIVE!!! MARLOWEEEEE MARLOWE LIVEEEEEEEE!!!" My god, I had a near crying fest when I thought Marlowe died but she managed to pull through.

I'm so sorry for this long comment, I just have a lot of emotions at this visual novel. Like, it felt so long BUT IT WASN'T?! When you cram a lot of stuff in like, days in a case, it can feel overwhelming and rushed. But this was paced so well that it felt like the days were getting short even though so much was happening. The way the plot built itself in order for the series of events to happen is so cool and just, the art and design of this visual novel is so top tier I cannot, I'll gush about it, I swear I will.

Like c'mon, I spent a good few minutes "ooh"ing and "aah"ing at the title screen as it rotated. Like. It was actually embarrassing... And oh god when I went through the Saves and Extras... Man. Anyway great visual novel! I could really tell you guys worked your asses for it, everything was so pretty (aesthetically, this is quite the grizzly tale), the story was unique and just, mm, and I felt so satisfied by the endings. Just, wonderful! Great job to everyone involved in it!!