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I'm in love with this game! Every scene is so well put together and it's absolutely outstanding when you're taken out of the game screen and given some really tragic lines in the broken Beyond You (which I won't get into because of spoilers). But I'm curious where the player name came from. At first I thought that it might be the first bit of an email or of the name you put on a computer. Except the game used a short version of my name (for example full name is Annabelle used for all online accounts but a preferred name of Anna is used in real life) and I was wondering how it got a short version of my name. I'm not alarmed or anything I'm just curious.

You can identify the user’s computer name, or the user account they’re on. So IE: your account on your Windows computer. The Broken game is a sliver of the potential future story, and I hope I can believably build towards that in the full game. It remains canon, just... a different section of canon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! I'm very excited to see where the game will go with these sections of canon!