The LoadTexture funtion looks like this, loading the texture from a file outside of the Unity asset system. When using the "T" to create a quad like you suggested, it's still creating an asset inside Unity, and I can't do this in my use case since the users can upload their own images at runtime.
Below the code in text form if you want to try it out - I just inserted my custom case below the case "<q=": section in the SuperTextMesh.cs.
private Texture2D LoadTexture()
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(2, 2);
string basePath = "D:\\Test\\";
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(basePath, ParseText_myString + ".png"));
if (fi.Exists)
if (texture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(fi.FullName)))
// uh oh
return texture;
case "<em=":
ParseText_info.quadData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<STMQuadData>();
Texture2D texture = LoadTexture();
ParseText_info.quadData.texture = texture;
ParseText_info.quadData.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
ParseText_info.isQuad = true;
insertAfter = "\u2000";
and the texture I am trying to load: