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Because god forbid people actually care about others and want Nazis dead I guess? 

Also "I haven't even read it but 1/10" maybe don't rate shit you haven't read lmao


you don't have to want nazis dead to care about others. this just makes anti-fascists look like utter fuckin edgelords.

and just because i don't want anyone to die or get injured doesn't mean i support nazis.


hey rob, i felt it was worthwhile to respond to this to say that the comic delves more into the very topic of violence as justice and the "pros and cons" of it. This of course doesnt mean you have to support it or like how we tackled it, and if the content bothers you we definitely dont want you subjecting yourself to it or giving us money just so we can prove a point, but i did want to clarify that we explore the subject a little deeper than just "kill people that you dont like", if that eases your mind.


listen mane, i'm not trying to like accuse you of doing anything. i'm sure that you're a dope person. i just think that there are other ways to tackle vigilanteism n stuff that isn't basically just supporting the killing criminals and stuf ^^


We apreciate that and we agree! don't worry, the main characters are not written to be the good guys at all and are depicted in a very negative light, specially as the story progresses.

(1 edit) (+1)(-10)

alright thank god. i was worried i was gonna deal with edgelords lmao. maybe i'm just paranoid over yalls intentions 


totally dont blame you given the subject matter, it is a little.................................... sus.............