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(1 edit) (+5)

This game is amazing, its so simple yet one of my favorites! The free use concept is really fun and i cant wait till the next update. Will there ever be a version which you are the colleague instead who gets to use Candace

Thank you. I would like to stick with the player being Candace. Although your idea does sound like a cool idea for a separate game.

I understand. You did a really good job with the facial expressions also, keep it up! do you have any estimate for when the next update will be?

If you dont mind me asking, how hard is it to make these types of games? ( i always contemplated attempting to make one)


We're working on new pics right now and then we'll have an update. My January is busy, but I will hopefully make it happen this week.
Making games has two difficulties. The first being coming up with ideas that you can realistically do. The second is knowing how to use a game engine and creating art assets.