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Well it’s a jam game again so there’se no need to feel bad for haven’t been able to make all you had plan :)

The concept is cool though, cause there can never be too much fps games with metroidvania elements XD

Yeah that’s honestly the best way to go for any spritework with 8dir, and especially with a shooter where every animation frames gets multiplied by 8 O_o and from what you say you even went the extra mile with some compositor magic (i know i’m still confused by some of its nodes :p) also yeah, unused stuff is just bound to happen especially on a jam project.

Haha well that explains why there’s so much :p But yeah i don’t know how it works on Unity, but i assume on any engine WebGl builds are gonna have something that goes unexpectedly wrong, cause i know i still have experienced my fair share of stuff ending up suprise broken on web builds for no apparent reason while desktop builds or the project in the editor works just fine, so… yeah could never blame anyone when there’s an issue in a web build.

No problem dude, you mentioned you were working on a shooter in one of your comments so i checked your page as well from time to time while i was on itch to play jam entries to see if you released something, saw this so i tried it out ^^