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Thank you for writing this and putting it out there.

I’ve been dealing with similar thoughts and it’s comforting to know it isn’t just me. Too often I’ve held on to those echoes — from myself or others — that mostly just harm me. Feeling I had to ensure they never faded to silence, or I might fail at keeping up the mask. I’ll try to create some echoes that are helpful, instead.

I hope your journey is going well. <3


I am so glad that this resonated with you! 💚 Yes, it can be quite hard to break the habit of telling ourselves what we've so often heard, especially when thrown at us with such force... But I too have been learning how to replace those voices with ones that truly bring value to my life, instead of simply declaring it.

Though this road has many rough patches, always know that you are far from the only one to travel it. Hopefully with enough footprints, we'll wear it flat for future travelers together. 😊